An agency I have worked with for a number of years has produced a very interesting and insightful report which benchmarks the UK's top 200 law firms online.
The report makes for fascinating reading and highlights a number of really crucial points that law firms should note.
In my years in the legal sector I have witnessed first hand how the humble law firm website has evolved. It is no longer 'just' the online brochure. It is the essence of the law firm, it needs to portray the brand, the vision, the culture and the ethos. It needs to explain, educate, sell and support. And it needs to interact and engage its visitors - from prospective clients and existing contacts and clients 'checking you out', to future trainees and lawyers. It needs to be focused on clients and their needs.
The report highlights some astonishing facts, including how the smaller law firms can and are actually outperforming many of the big City firms when it comes to their online presence.
With approximately 2 million searches a day on legal topics - there has never been a better time to review your online presence than today. Whatever your view, whatever type of firm you are, your online presence matters.
Our Legal Sector Digital Benchmark Report 2017, looks at 206 of the UK’s most prominent legal companies, analysing their key strengths and weaknesses online whilst outlining who is currently reaping the rewards organically. In this report, we’ve outlined what we think your law firm needs to be able to competently benchmark its organic performance against competitors.